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Beginnings- KITESURF

For me, kiting is hunger.

A sweet that is forever craved by those lucky enough to taste it.

Kiting is not one, but so many things.

Whether that be an outlet for some tough times, or a celebration of some great ones.

Kiting means racing home after sunset to make dinner at 7pm

Or salty beers in the car park.

Kiting is 8 stitches in the foot or a bluebottle-caused trip to the hospital… nevertheless a good story to tell.

Kiting is a bond

Endless conversations between strangers and friends alike, purely about the stoke of it.

Kiting is my Dad’s ear twinkle at the slight breathe of wind

The hazy smell of a sea breeze.

Kiting is an endless search.

Its travelling the world

New faces, massive grins, power naps, cold beers, pumping waves and firing wind.

Kiting is passion.

And passion is arguably the one thing that makes everything in life worth it.

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